
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

VAOIG Inspection of Cambridge, MD, Fort Howard, MD, Alexandria, VA, Greenbelt, MD, Wilmington, NC, and Jacksonville, NC.

Healthcare Inspection Community Based Outpatient Clinic Reviews Cambridge and Fort Howard, MD Alexandria, VA and Greenbelt, MD Wilmington and Jacksonville, NC 09/30/09. The VA Office of Inspector General reviewed six Community Based Outpatient Clinics (CBOCs) the week of August 10–14, 2009. The CBOCs reviewed in Veterans Integrated Service Network (VISN) 5 were Cambridge and Fort Howard, MD; and Alexandria, VA and Greenbelt, MD; and, in VISN 6, Wilmington and Jacksonville, NC. The parent facilities of these CBOCs are VA Maryland Healthcare System, Washington DC VA Medical Center (VAMC), and Fayetteville VAMC, respectively. The purpose of the review was to assess whether CBOCs are operated in a manner that provides veterans with consistent, safe, high-quality health care. The review covered five areas: quality of care measures, credentialing and privileging, environment of care and emergency management, patient satisfaction, and CBOC contracts. We noted several opportunities for improvement and made the following recommendations to the VISNs and facility management: Require that physician privileges are appropriate to the procedures performed. VAOIG

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