
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Case History: PTSD in a Female Veteran

Forever changed: posttraumatic stress disorder in female military veterans, a case report. 09/29/09. PURPOSE. This paper examines the experience of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in a female veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom, including the barriers to treatment she encountered in an outpatient psychiatry clinic. DESIGN AND METHODS. Case report data were obtained through review of records and interviews with a veteran combat nurse diagnosed with chronic PTSD. CONCLUSIONS. Sex differences in PTSD are controversial, but PTSD in female military veterans is a significant problem. Gender may complicate diagnosis and treatment. This case report discusses these issues and invites further research. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS. Advanced practice psychiatric nurses increasingly will see female veterans with PTSD in their practices. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care via PubMed

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