
Thursday, September 17, 2009

VAOIG Review of Loma Linda Healthcare System

Combined Assessment Program Review of the VA Loma Linda Healthcare System Loma Linda, California 09/17/09. The purpose of the review was to evaluate selected operations, focusing on patient care administration and quality management (QM). During the review, we provided fraud and integrity awareness training to 587 employees. The review covered seven operational activities and three follow-up review areas. The system complied with selected standards in the following three activities: (1) contracted/agency registered nurses, (2) coordination of care, and (3) medication management. We identified the system’s breast cancer care collaborative, All Employee Survey scores, and the rapid response team as organizational strengths. We made recommendations for improvement in the following four activities: QM. Physician credentialing and privileging. Magnetic resonance imaging safety. Environment of care. VAOIG

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