
Thursday, September 3, 2009

Estimation of Preference-weighted Health Status Associated with PTSD and Common Co-occurring Mental Disorders in a Sample of Veterans

Preference-weighted health status of PTSD among veterans: an outcome for cost-effectiveness analysis using clinical data. 09/03/09. Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a highly prevalent, chronic, disabling but treatable condition. Preference-based measures (for example, health utilities) are recommended for and useful in cost-effectiveness analyses and for policy decisions because they reflect a population's valuation of the desirability of disease states. However, no such measures exist for PTSD. This study aimed to estimate preference-weighted health status associated with PTSD and common co-occurring mental disorders in a sample of veterans by transforming health-related quality-of-life data into preference-weighted health status scores (PWHS scores), develop a usable regression model to predict PWHS scores from other data sets, and compare preference-weighted health status of PTSD with that of another chronic disorder, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). (Free Online) Psychiatric Services via PubMed

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