
Monday, June 1, 2009

VAOIG Semiannual Report to Congress

Office of Inspector General Department of Veterans Affairs Semiannual Report to Congress October 1, 2008 -March 31, 2009. 06/01/09. The SAR details the accomplishments of OIG, provides statistical information, and lists all reports issued between October 1, 2008-March 31, 2009. During this reporting period, OIG audits, investigations, and other reviews identified over $614 million in monetary benefits for a return of $16 for every dollar invested in OIG oversight. OIG issued a total of 102 reports on VA programs and operations and OIG investigations led to 253 arrests and 298 administrative sanctions. This document can be viewed using Adobe Reader 5.0 or greater and includes: Bookmarks that allow you to easily move from one part of the SAR to another. Hyperlinks that take you from the mention of a reference to the actual reference itself (including reports that are posted on the OIG Web page). VAOIG

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