
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

VAOIG Review of VA's Computerized Record System

Review of Defects in VA’s Computerized Patient Record System Version 27 and Associated Quality of Care Issues 06/30/09. At the request of the former Secretary of Veterans Affairs, this review evaluated testing and deployment of Computerized Patient Record System (CPRS) version 27 (v27). The purposes of this review were to identify the processes supporting the planning, testing, authorization, and implementation of CPRS v27; identify system development control deficiencies; and determine whether Veterans Health Administration (VHA) developed appropriate action plans in response to CPRS v27 defects. Additionally, we assessed the associated risk to patients and VHA actions in response. We recommended that OI&T and VHA: Develop a process to ensure that the selection of Alpha/Beta test sites adequately represents how different VA medical facilities utilize CPRS, while considering the depth and complexity of software changes associated with major releases of CPRS. VAOIG

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