
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

VAOIG Review of Manilla VA Clinic

Combined Assessment Program Review of the VA Manila Outpatient Clinic, Manila, Philippines 04/21/09. The purpose of the review was to evaluate selected operations, focusing on patient care administration and quality management (QM). During the review, we provided fraud and integrity awareness training to 84 employees. The review covered nine operational activities. The clinic complied with selected standards in the following three activities: (1) access to care – no show rates, (2) patient survey satisfaction scores, and (3) post-deployment screening. We identified system redesign, Joint Executive Board restructuring, timely compensation and pension exams, and the new VA facility as organizational strengths. We made recommendations for improvements in the following six activities: QM. Continuity of care. Environment of care. Controlled substances inspection program. Suicide prevention program. Staff competency assessments. VAOIG

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